Incentive contracts containing ex ante targets are prevalent in organizations. Although prior research indicates that contract frame has no significant impact on employee performance when an ex ante target is assigned, we provide a more nuanced view by examining the role of narcissism in this relationship. Results indicate when an ex ante target is assigned, less narcissistic employees perform better than more narcissistic employees regardless of contract frame. In addition, target difficulty plays a role. When narcissism is lower, employees working under a less difficult target perform better than those working under a more difficult target, but there is no effect of contract frame. When narcissism is higher, we find an interaction between contract frame and target difficulty. When the target is less difficult, employees higher in narcissism perform better under the penalty than the bonus contract frame, whereas the opposite is the case when the target is more difficult.

Data Availability: Data are available from the authors upon request.

JEL Classifications: M41.

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