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Keywords: disclosures
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Journal Articles
Journal of Information Systems (2023) 37 (2): 123–128.
Published: 01 June 2023
...Thomas G. Calderon; Lei Gao ABSTRACT This research note describes an innovative dataset that was developed and used by Gao, Calderon, and Tang (2020) and Calderon and Gao (2021) to examine cybersecurity risk disclosures. Our innovative dataset and contemporary text analytics methodology...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal of Information Systems (2022) 36 (2): 1–15.
Published: 01 June 2022
...Hilda E. Carrillo; Robin Pennington; Yibo (James) Zhang ABSTRACT Emojis act as non-verbal cues to disambiguate and communicate affect and are increasingly used in online corporate disclosures. Emotion work, a concept founded in social psychology, suggests that individuals adjust their behavior...