This study extends the work of Leuz et al. (2003) by examining the incidence of earnings management in countries where the level of investor protection provided by the legal environment is high. We question whether Leuz et al.'s (2003) country clusters are overly broad in seeking to effectively explain the relation between countries' legal environments and earnings management. Hofstede (2001) notes that, while the U.K. and U.S. are similar in numerous respects, various cultural and organizational differences exist. Accounting research identifies a number of differences in corporate governance between the two countries that could influence earnings management. We examine samples of U.K. and U.S. firms that were taken private in a management buyout (MBO) so as to focus on situations epitomizing the conflict between corporate insiders and outside shareholders. Overall, our results indicate that managers in both the U.K. and U.S. manage earnings downward prior to an MBO, with U.S. managers being significantly more aggressive than U.K. managers. These results may be interpreted as indicating that Leuz et al.'s (2003) country cluster groupings are too broad to adequately explain the relation between countries' legal environments and the extent to which managers engage in earnings management.
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Spring 2006
Research Article|
January 01 2006
Corporate Governance and Investor Protection: Earnings Management in the U.K. and U.S.
Charlotte J. Wright, Professor;
Charlotte J. Wright, Professor
Oklahoma State University
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J. Riley Shaw, Assistant Professor;
J. Riley Shaw, Assistant Professor
University of Mississippi
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Liming Guan, Assistant Professor
Liming Guan, Assistant Professor
University of Hawaii at Manoa
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Online ISSN: 1558-8025
Print ISSN: 1542-6297
American Accounting Association
Journal of International Accounting Research (2006) 5 (1): 25–40.
Charlotte J. Wright, J. Riley Shaw, Liming Guan; Corporate Governance and Investor Protection: Earnings Management in the U.K. and U.S.. Journal of International Accounting Research 1 January 2006; 5 (1): 25–40.
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