Prior research has investigated earnings management primarily through the use of discretionary accruals. We examine whether, in addition to discretionary accruals, firms further engage in earnings management using transactions with affiliated companies. When a parent company has a dominant relation over affiliated companies, the parent company can structure transactions between itself and affiliates in a way that allows it to achieve income‐reporting objectives beyond the use of discretionary accruals. We address this research issue in Japan because Japanese firms issue both parent and consolidated financial statements. In addition to earnings management techniques that can be used to manage consolidated earnings, parent earnings can also be managed using transactions with affiliates. We find earnings management behavior for both parent and consolidated earnings around three earnings thresholds: avoiding losses, avoiding earnings declines, and avoiding negative forecast errors. Consistent with additional earnings management through affiliated transactions, parent earnings show stronger evidence of earnings management than consolidated earnings at each of these three earnings thresholds. Further tests indicate that the increased management of parent earnings around these three earnings thresholds is related to the firm's ability to use affiliated transactions, while the management of consolidated earnings is unrelated to the firm's ability to use affiliated transactions.
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Fall 2004
Research Article|
January 01 2004
Earnings Management through Affiliated Transactions
Wayne B. Thomas, Assistant Professor;
Wayne B. Thomas, Assistant Professor
University of Oklahoma.
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Donald R. Herrmann, Associate Professor;
Donald R. Herrmann, Associate Professor
Baylor University.
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Tatsuo Inoue, Professor
Tatsuo Inoue, Professor
Kwansei Gakuin University.
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Online ISSN: 1558-8025
Print ISSN: 1542-6297
American Accounting Association
Journal of International Accounting Research (2004) 3 (2): 1–25.
Wayne B. Thomas, Donald R. Herrmann, Tatsuo Inoue; Earnings Management through Affiliated Transactions. Journal of International Accounting Research 1 January 2004; 3 (2): 1–25.
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