Although determinants of cross-border merger and acquisitions (M&As) have received substantial attention in the literature, research examining the effect of tax system characteristics on cross-border M&As is more limited. Cross-border M&As have substantial tax implications for both the acquiring firm and the target firm. Because firms evaluate investments based on expected after-tax returns, I expect that managers consider potential tax savings or costs in making investment decisions across tax jurisdictions. In this study, I use hand-collected country-year-level tax system characteristics to examine tax determinants of the volume and direction of cross-border M&As. I find that tax system characteristics such as controlled foreign corporation provisions, thin capitalization provisions, and the presence of a worldwide versus territorial regime have a significant effect on cross-border M&A activity.
JEL Classifications: G34; G38; H25; H26.
Data Availability: All data are available from sources identified in the text.