Before instructors read the Teaching Notes, it is important to understand the format of this case. The case is designed to provide flexibility for instructors, because they can choose among one of three datasets that provide the 2018 ride data for Divvy.1 The files consist of the following2:

The following Teaching Notes present the suggested solutions for each of the three datasets: tutorial (n = 180,393), sample (n = 900,886), and full (n = 3,603,082). The responses do not vary with the data visualization software that students use.

Finally, these Teaching Notes are also accompanied by multiple appendices to facilitate the implementation of the case.  Appendix A provides a consolidated listing of the suggested solutions for the tutorial, sample, and full datasets. Instructors may use this to make their grading process more efficient.  Appendix B provides a potential grading rubric for the dashboard(s) that students create for...

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