To complement our case, instructional guidance, and shared implementation experience, we offer several handouts catered specifically to students and instructors. These include documents described in the implementation guidance—initial case materials distributed to students (Student Handouts 1–6, see Appendix A in the Case), the client script (Instructor Handout 1), and additional PBC documents obtained by request during the client meeting (Instructor Handout 2)—as well as several solutions and grading files discussed below. All files are available for download, see Appendix D.

The current and prior year spreadsheet solution files (Instructor Handouts 3 and 4, respectively) are in Excel format and can be altered to change the outcome of the case and generate new PBC documents for dissemination to students if desired. Using the details provided in the current year spreadsheet solution, we also provide a PDF solution file featuring the client's final 2014 Form 1040 and supporting schedules (Instructor Handout 5)....

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