Accounting academics learn how to review academic research manuscripts in their Ph.D. program, and several published papers discuss how to review an academic research manuscript (Oler and Pasewark 2016; Omer et al. 2004; Kachelmeier 2004). However, Ph.D. programs generally do not offer any guidance or training on reviewing educational cases.1 Reviewing an accounting case study2 for Issues in Accounting Education (IAE) is very different from reviewing a research paper or even other educational cases due to the specific requirements for IAE cases. The purpose of this editor letter is to provide guidance on reviewing an educational case study for IAE. This editorial should also be useful to academics who want to write a case for IAE.
Case studies in IAE have three distinct parts: the case, the case learning objectives and implementation guidance (CLOIG), and the teaching notes. The IAE...