The publisher, American Accounting Association, regrets an error in “Can Management Accounting Help Aid Associations Make Tough Choices in Haiti” by Krumweide, Paik, and Walden in the February 2018 issue (Volume 33, Number 1, pp. 1–16: of Issues in Accounting Education, Teaching Notes. There was an error in the price for and computation of the cost of peanuts as presented in the “Quantitative Analysis of Costs versus Benefits” section. The correct computations are shown below.
The online version of the article has been corrected. The error only exists in the printed version.
Kip R. Krumwiede
Institute of Management Accountants
Gyung H. (Daniel) Paik
W. Darrell Walden
University of Richmond
There is not a lot of cost information in the case, but there is enough to estimate the extra cost of local peanuts. We know from farmer Samuel Hilaire that the market price for peanuts last year was...