LEONARD J. BROOKS and PAUL DUNN, Business & Professional Ethics for Directors, Executives & Accountants, Sixth Edition (Mason, OH: South-Western CENAGE Learning, 2012, pp. xxvii, 712).
Business & Professional Ethics for Directors, Executives & Accountants, Sixth Edition continues to build on the strong base of earlier editions in its mission to provide a sourcebook for directors, executives, and professional accountants on the key issues of governance, ethics risk management, and appropriate behavior and decision-making. The combination of textual material, readings, and cases enables a broad-based learning experience that can be tailored for different educational uses. The text is suitable for a stand-alone course in business ethics or governance at the undergraduate or graduate levels in accounting programs or M.B.A. programs. It may also be used as a supplement to introduce real-world dilemmas for consideration in accounting, business, strategy, and governance courses at the graduate or undergraduate level.