ABSTRACT: This research examines accounting faculty job search and selection in the tightening academic job market. Surveys were sent to all new accounting Ph.D.s and to faculty who relocated from 2002 to 2004. The survey included 37 factors of importance (e.g., salary, geographical location) to new Ph.D.s in selecting their initial faculty position and to relocating faculty. Overall, faculty appear to be very concerned with their teaching load, criteria used for promotion and tenure decisions, and compatibility with other faculty. Most faculty viewed likelihood of getting tenure as very important. We note that new faculty going to doctoral schools view this item as much less important than others. The opportunity to teach desired courses was much more important for those going to non‐Ph.D.‐granting schools. Most faculty viewed salary as being relatively important, but those going to nondoctoral institutions viewed salary as somewhat less important than geographic location. Examination of other factors suggested significant differences between different faculty groups. The study's results provide important implications for universities seeking to hire or retain qualified faculty in a challenging job market, and for faculty wishing to obtain the most rewarding position.
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1 May 2009
Research Article|
May 01 2009
Accounting Faculty Job Search in a Seller's Market
Steven C. Hunt, Associate Professor;
Steven C. Hunt, Associate Professor
Western Illinois University.
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Tim V. Eaton, Associate Professor;
Tim V. Eaton, Associate Professor
Miami University.
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Alan Reinstein, Professor
Alan Reinstein, Professor
Wayne State University.
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Online ISSN: 1558-7983
Print ISSN: 0739-3172
American Accounting Association
Issues in Accounting Education (2009) 24 (2): 157–185.
Steven C. Hunt, Tim V. Eaton, Alan Reinstein; Accounting Faculty Job Search in a Seller's Market. Issues in Accounting Education 1 May 2009; 24 (2): 157–185. https://doi.org/10.2308/iace.2009.24.2.157
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