ABSTRACT: The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) first developed the Model Tax Curriculum (MTC) in 1996 and modified it in 1999. Subsequent changes in the accounting profession and education caused a reexamination of the MTC resulting in a complete revision in 2007. The revised MTC is learning outcome‐based and views the accounting curriculum in its entirety. The revised MTC includes a detailed matrix relating its proposed learning outcomes to the AICPA core competencies and tax technical topics commonly included in tax curricula. The matrix offers accounting faculty one example of an approach to be used in achieving the MTC learning outcomes. This approach can serve as a useful starting point to faculty in formulating and documenting their own approaches to developing student competencies that achieve the revised MTC learning objectives. This paper details the development of the MTC and provides an overview of the revised MTC. It also offers pedagogical suggestions helpful for implementing the MTC.

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