This commentary interprets the data from the 2004 AICPA Report issued by the Work/Life and Women's Initiatives Executive Committee in terms of implications for accounting faculty who advise students and who have an interest in conducting research on public accounting workplace issues. The discussion highlights the survey results relating to the status of women, including current trends in women's advancement and alternative career paths in public accounting, and the career aspirations of today's generation of students. We link these AICPA findings to other research on public accounting workplace issues, and broader research that suggests some generational and gender differences that should be considered in advising students. Throughout we also suggest potential research questions. Finally, because it is not uncommon for students to ask us questions about academic careers, we consider gender bias parallels that may exist between public accounting and the academy.
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1 February 2007
Research Article|
February 01 2007
Shedding Light on the AICPA Work/Life and Women's Initiatives Research: What Does It Mean to Educators and Students?
Elizabeth Dreike Almer, Associate Professor;
Elizabeth Dreike Almer, Associate Professor
University and Louise.
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Louise E. Single, Associate Professor
Louise E. Single, Associate Professor
St. Edward's University.
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Online ISSN: 1558-7983
Print ISSN: 0739-3172
American Accounting Association
Issues in Accounting Education (2007) 22 (1): 67–77.
Elizabeth Dreike Almer, Louise E. Single; Shedding Light on the AICPA Work/Life and Women's Initiatives Research: What Does It Mean to Educators and Students?. Issues in Accounting Education 1 February 2007; 22 (1): 67–77.
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