This study empirically examines the public policy implications of mandatory audit firm rotation in the context of the relation between auditor tenure and the market's perception of discretionary accruals quality in the pre- and post-SOX periods. Consistent with prior research, the pre-SOX results support the effects of auditor learning and auditor closeness on the relation between auditor tenure and audit quality. We further demonstrate that in the post-SOX period, there is no significant relation between auditor tenure and the pricing of discretionary accruals. The post-SOX results indicate that the market's perception of auditor tenure as a significant determinant of audit quality may have diminished in the environment of increased regulation under SOX. The findings further imply that ongoing consideration of a policy that mandates periodic audit firm rotation may no longer be essential with the passage of SOX.

Data Availability: Data used in this study were obtained from publicly available sources identified in the text.

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