The publisher, American Accounting Association, regrets an error in “Characteristics of Managerial Tone Priced by Auditors: Evidence Based on Annual Letters to Shareholders of Large U.S. Firms” by Adam Greiner, Lorenzo Patelli, and Matteo Pedrini in the May 2020 issue (Volume 39, Number 2, pp. 139–161; doi: 10.2308/ajpt-52594) of AUDITING: A Journal of Practice & Theory. The manuscript's abstract was incorrectly duplicated in the acknowledgment section. The correct acknowledgment is:

We appreciate helpful comments and suggestions on earlier versions from Susan Scholz (editor), two anonymous reviewers, Ryan Casey, Lisa Victoravich, Mark Kohlbeck, Keith Robson, Tom Smith, and workshop participants at the University of Denver, 2017 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting (especially Kara Obermire the discussant), 2017 Western Region Meeting (especially Bill Heninger the discussant), the 2018 Second Annual Special Topics in Strategic and Emerging Technologies in Accounting Conference: Text Analytics in Accounting, and Travis Ringger and Steve Thompson for their practical insights.

The online version of the article has been corrected. The error exists only in the printed version. A corrected version of the title page, which can be printed and inserted in your print copy, can be found on the following page.