The authors, Kris Hardies, Diane Breesch, and Joël Branson, regret the discovery of an error in the reported coefficient signs for the variables IRISK and BUSY in Table 5, Panel B of Table 6, and Panel B of Table 7 in the article “The Female Audit Fee Premium,” in Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 171–195 (DOI: 10.2308/ajpt-51079). The coefficient signs of both IRISK and BUSY were erroneously reported to be positive in Table 5, Panel B of Table 6, and Panel B of Table 7. The corrected tables, reporting negative coefficients for the variables IRISK and BUSY, appear below. The overall results and conclusions as reported in the published paper are unaffected by this error. The online version of the article has been corrected ( The error only exists in the printed version.

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