This study extends the scope of timing research to China's emerging capital market by examining the effects of audit opinions and earnings surprises on the timeliness of annual earnings announcements, after controlling for firm size, the presence of losses, financial distress, auditor switches, and changes in the Chinese regulatory environment. Based on a sample of listed Chinese firms for 1995–1999, we observe that both audit opinions and earnings surprises have significant effects, as reported in Bamber et al. (1993). We also find a significant effect attributable to the magnitude of negative earnings surprises as shown by Begley and Fischer (1998). In addition, we document a significant interaction effect between audit opinions and earnings surprises. Positive earnings surprises with modified audit opinions are announced significantly later than unqualified negative earnings surprises.
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1 September 2003
Research Article|
September 01 2003
Audit Qualification and Timing of Earnings Announcements: Evidence from China
In‐Mu G. Haw, Professor;
In‐Mu G. Haw, Professor
aTexas Christian University.
bChinese University of Hong Kong.
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Kyungjoo Park, Associate Professor;
Kyungjoo Park, Associate Professor
cThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
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Daqing Qi, Associate Professor;
Daqing Qi, Associate Professor
dCheung Kong Graduate School of Business.
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Woody Wu, Professor
Woody Wu, Professor
eThe Chinese University of Hong Kong.
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Online ISSN: 1558-7991
Print ISSN: 0278-0380
American Accounting Association
AUDITING: A Journal of Practice & Theory (2003) 22 (2): 121–146.
In‐Mu G. Haw, Kyungjoo Park, Daqing Qi, Woody Wu; Audit Qualification and Timing of Earnings Announcements: Evidence from China. AUDITING: A Journal of Practice & Theory 1 September 2003; 22 (2): 121–146.
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