The editor, the editorial staff, and the Academy of Accounting Historians' officers and trustees are very pleased that the Academy has become a section of the American Accounting Association (AAA) and that the Accounting Historians Journal (AHJ) now joins the AAA's fine assembly of publications. This is the result of years of work on the part of many dedicated people and was announced with great pleasure at the World Congress of Accounting Historians in Pescara, Italy in June 2016, followed by a ceremony of welcome at the 2016 AAA Annual Meeting in New York City in August. The Academy of Accounting Historians was established in 1973 and the journal published its first volume 1974 and has not stopped since. This is the journal's 44th year.
The Accounting Historians Journal has always been international in scope and, regarding time, limited only by the first appearance of recordkeeping, simultaneous with,...