This book by Jonathan Haskel, Professor of Economics at the Imperial College Business School in London, and Stian Westlake, a senior fellow at the U.K.'s National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (Nesta), provides a comprehensive examination of a familiar, yet under-appreciated phenomenon: the rise of intangible investment and its consequences in the 21st century's economy. The attention-grabbing title of the book, Capitalism without Capital, vividly captures the essence of an economy dominated by intangible investment—such as R&D, software, brands, and organizational development—that lacks physical forms and, hence, does not resemble investment in tangible assets—such as buildings and machinery—that can be seen and touched. The authors are well-known researchers in the areas of intangible assets, innovation, and productivity (one of the authors also led a project commissioned by the U.K. Treasury to measure intangible assets and growth in the U.K.'s economy). Drawing from the authors' earlier work, the book...
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1 July 2018
Book Review|
July 01 2018
Capitalism without Capital
JONATHAN HASKEL and STIAN WESTLAKE, Capitalism without Capital (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2018, pp. 278, hardcover).
Feng Gu
Feng Gu
Associate Professor of Accounting and Law
University at Buffalo
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Editor's note: Two copies of books for review should be sent to the incoming Book Review Editor: Professor Gary C. Biddle, Room 1305, K.K. Leung Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong. The policy of The Accounting Review is to publish only those reviews solicited by the Book Review Editor. Unsolicited reviews will not be accepted.
Online ISSN: 1558-7967
Print ISSN: 0001-4826
The Accounting Review (2018) 93 (4): 359–363.
Feng Gu; Capitalism without Capital. The Accounting Review 1 July 2018; 93 (4): 359–363.
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