An error has come to the authors’ attention in the 2024 article, “Access to Financial Disclosure and Knowledge Spillover,” by Yen-Cheng Chang, Kevin Tseng, and Tzu-Wen Yu in The Accounting Review, Vol. 99, No. 5, pp. 147–170,
An incorrect reference was included in the article. Instead of:
Mokyr, J. 2002. Innovation in an historical perspective: Tales of technology and evolution. In Technological Innovation and Economic Performance, edited by B. Steil, D. G. Victor, and R. R. Nelson, 23–46. New York, NY: Princeton University Press.
Mokyr, J. 2002. The Gifts of Athena: Historical Origins of the Knowledge Economy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
The authors regret the error. The online version has been corrected. The error only exists in the print version.