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Keywords: financial distress
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Journal Articles
Accounting Horizons (2018) 32 (1): 29–51.
Published: 01 March 2018
...Ferdinand A. Gul; Mehdi Khedmati; Edwin KiaYang Lim; Farshid Navissi SYNOPSIS This study examines whether the relationship between managerial ability and audit fees is conditional on financial distress. We find that higher managerial ability increases audit fees in financially distressed firms...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Accounting Horizons (2013) 27 (3): 469–489.
Published: 01 September 2013
... disciplines to proxy for the likelihood of bankruptcy, and sometimes to measure financial distress in public companies. Numerous studies have been completed since Ohlson (1980 ) (see Bellovary et al. [2007 ] for a summary), none of which incorporate tax information. To our knowledge no research published...