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Keywords: business risk
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Journal Articles
Accounting Horizons (2015) 29 (3): 529–549.
Published: 01 September 2015
...Aloke (Al) Ghosh; Charles Y. Tang SYNOPSIS Although auditor litigation risk is considered as a leading explanation for auditor resignations, audit risk and business risk might also trigger resignations. Auditor litigation risk is defined as the risk of the auditor being involved in a lawsuit...
Journal Articles
Accounting Horizons (2014) 28 (1): 39–57.
Published: 01 March 2014
... auditors assess audit risk associated with the recognition of this intangible asset. While capitalized SDC could shed light on software products' potential commercial success and inform the auditor about the client's business risk, the accounting flexibility allowed by SFAS No. 86 also increases the risk...