Auditors are required to evaluate the reliability of financial numbers and potentially provide attestation of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) claims disclosed in financial statements. Double-materiality refers to assessing materiality from two aspects: first, the extent necessary for an understanding of the company’s financial position, and second, the ESG impact of the company’s activities on a broad range of stakeholders. For an audit, these are interconnected, meaning that despite their inherently nonfinancial nature, ESG factors are closely associated with financial outcomes and potential business risks. This research provides an understanding of such a double materiality audit by recognizing the role of external auditors regarding the interaction between a financial audit and ESG attestation and suggests an audit analysis roadmap that incorporates both quantitative and big ESG data. Specifically, it proposes extended audit procedures for data collection, verification, and analysis and highlights the ongoing challenges and opportunities.

JEL Classifications: G18; G30; G32; G38; M14; M41; M42; M48.

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