Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where is the search function on the site?
You can conduct a Quick Search from any page, by using the Quick Search bar located at the top of the page.

Quick Search will search for your terms within journal titles, and journal article titles, abstracts, authors, citations, DOIs, references, and the full text of articles.
Quick Search enables you to:
- Search multiple terms – just type as many terms as you need into the bar
- Search phrases – to search a phrase, put it in quotation marks (“…”)
- Conduct Boolean searches – you can refine searches using the Boolean terms AND/OR/NOT between search terms
- Search for a specific article, by entering the DOI
Q: How do I search across the entire AAA Digital Library?
The quick search is designed to operate differently depending on where you are on the site.
Performing a quick search from the main AAA Digital Library page will search across all the AAA titles. However, if you navigate into a specific publication and perform a quick search it will constrain the search to just that journal. We are working to add a control to allow users to select a search across all titles no matter where they are on the site, but at this time the best way to search across all titles is to return to the AAA Digital Library homepage and start your search there.

Q: Where are the advanced search options?
To streamline the search process for all users the advanced search options are available after the initial quick search. You can modify your search results using the filters available in the left-hand panel of the search results page:
To refine the results with pre-built search facets
Use the options in the left-hand panel to narrow the results
- Format
- Journal
- Article Type
- Publication Date
- Availability
The availability filter allows you to filter by content that you have purchased or to which you’re subscribed, or that is Open Access or free content, or that is available for purchase.

To modify or add more search terms
Click the Add Term button to add a new text field to the search bar. You can refine your search by adding a secondary term to the original search. Click the Update button to show the modified results.

To filter search terms
Use the Filter drop-down above the search term to constrain the search within specific elements within the article. You can choose to limit the search to just looking for the term within things like the article title, author names, or the references.
You apply this filter to each search term independently.
Accessing Downloadable Supplemental Materials in the Digital Library
Q: Are supplemental materials available for Early Access articles?
Supplemental materials are available for download after publication of the journal issue. The links for supplemental material are not active in Early Access articles.
Q: Are supplemental materials available for non-members/subscribers?
Supplemental materials for articles published in a journal issue are available when you purchase an article.
Q: How can I find and download supplemental materials for an article?
Supplemental materials for articles can either be accessed directly from the in-text hyperlinks in the online version (when the article is opened in the AAA digital library) or from the hyperlinks in the “Supplementary Data” index (notably when the PDF of the article is opened in an internet browser window or a PDF reader software such as Adobe Reader).
Articles that Are Opened in the AAA Digital Library: Click the active link. The file will automatically download to your device.

Articles that Are Opened in an Internet Browser Window or PDF Reader: Click the active link.

The link will land on the article in the AAA digital library.

Use the scroll bar in the left-hand navigation panel (see green arrow in the screenshot above) to find the “Supplementary data” section:

Click on that link to go to the list, then click on the file name to download the file to your device:

The supplemental material hyperlinks may not work within the text of the online version or in a PDF version (in an internet browser or PDF reader), notably for articles that were published prior to January 2023. However, the downloadable files are available by going to the online version of the article and using the left-hand navigation bar to scroll down to the “Supplemental data” section.
Q: How can I find the Teaching Notes for a Case article?
Teaching Notes are only available to full-member subscribers. Teaching Notes are published as online-only.
All Cases, Beginning May 2023: Case articles have a “Connected Content” box at the beginning of the article (in the online version in the AAA digital library) with a hyperlink to the appropriate Teaching Notes:

All Cases, Beginning August 2024: There is a link in the section of the article titled “Teaching Notes” (right before the References) that has a hyperlink that directs you to the Table of Contents page for the corresponding issue’s Teaching Notes:

The Table of Contents page will open. Scroll down the page to find the desired Teaching Notes.

All Cases, Prior to May 2023:

This link lands on the AAA Publications home page:

Click on the down arrow to “Browse Publications” (see the red arrow in the screenshot above) and click on the “Teaching Notes” issue for the journal (shown as Issues in Accounting Education Teaching Notes in this screenshot; all other journals that publish Teaching Notes have a corresponding “Teaching Notes” listing):

This will bring up the latest issue of the journal’s Teaching Notes. Click the journal cover:

If you are looking for a different issue, click on View All Issues (see red arrow in the screen shot above) and choose the appropriate Year and Issue from the menus at the top of the page. The Table of Contents page will open (see the above screen shot of the Table of Contents. Scroll down the page to find the desired Teaching Notes).
Supplemental materials for Teaching Notes are accessed as described above.