The Accounting Review embraces any research methodology and any accounting-related subject, that meet the standards established for publication in the journal. The primary, audience is academicians, graduate students, and others interested in accounting research.
Accounting Horizons strives to publish rigorous research that addresses practice issues and problems, drawing on the best theory and methods in the academy to solve problems of real consequence. The journal contributes to the vision of building a learned accounting profession by purposeful integration of accounting research, education, and practice for students, practitioners, and educators.
Issues in Accounting Education publishes education research, commentaries, case studies, and learning strategies that address key accounting education issues and assist faculty in teaching accounting topics.
AUDITING: A Journal of Practice & Theory promotes communication between research and practice, to influence developments in auditing education as well as auditing research and practice.
Behavioral Research in Accounting (BRIA) publishes theoretical and empirical research concerning how accounting affects and is affected by individuals and organizations.
Current Issues in Auditing advances the dialogue between academics and practitioners on current practice related issues facing the community including external auditing, internal auditing, government auditing, IT auditing, assurance services, and related fields.
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The Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (JETA) encourages, supports, and disseminates high-quality research focused on emerging technologies and artificial intelligence that are applicable to a wide set of accounting related problems.
The Journal of Forensic Accounting Research (JFAR) publishes research studies and teaching materials that foster excellence in the practice, teaching and research of forensic accounting, which is broadly conceived as the use of accounting, auditing, investigative, and valuation skills to support fraud investigations, damage estimates, business valuations, litigation support services, and other types of legal proceedings.
The Journal of the Governmental & Nonprofit Accounting (JOGNA) is interdisciplinary in scope and stimulates and reports on a wide range of governmental and nonprofit accounting issues.
The Accounting Historians Journal addresses the development of accounting thought and practice and provides a historical perspective on contemporary accounting issues.
The Journal of International Accounting Research publishes research in auditing, financial accounting, managerial accounting, systems, tax, and other specialties that increases our understanding of the development and use of international accounting and reporting practices or attempts to improve extant practices.
The Journal of the American Taxation Association (JATA) disseminates a wide variety of tax knowledge and research that employs quantitative, analytical, experimental, and descriptive methods to address tax topics of interest to its readership
The Journal of Management Accounting Research (JMAR) seeks to advance the theory and practice of management accounting through publication of high-quality applied and theoretical research, using any well-executed research method.
Accounting and the Public Interest views accounting as a social activity with far-ranging consequences for every citizen. We welcome research in a wide variety of areas such as, but not limited to: sustainability accounting and reporting; professional and business ethics; corporate social responsibility and governance; regulation; and social justice.
The Journal of Financial Reporting (JFR) supports research on a broad spectrum of financial reporting issues and especially encourages “innovative” research, defined as research that examines a novel question or develops new theory or evidence that challenges current paradigms, or research that reconciles, confirms, or refutes currently mixed or questionable results.
The Journal of Information Systems (JIS) welcomes research that employs a wide variety of research methods in the fields of management information systems, computer science, accounting, auditing as well as cognate disciplines including philosophy, psychology, and management science.
The ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research (JLTR) publishes creative and innovative studies that employ legal research methodologies that logically and clearly identify, describe, and illuminate important current tax issues.
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About the AAA
The American Accounting Association is the premier community of accountants in academia. Founded in 1916, we have a rich and reputable history built on leading-edge research and publications. The diversity of our membership creates a fertile environment for collaboration and innovation. Collectively, we shape the future of accounting through teaching, research and a powerful network, ensuring our position as thought leaders in accounting.

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